Positive Thinking

This may seem like a pretty obvious thing but you would be shocked at how many people tend to have a predominantly negative outlook on life.

There are many reasons for this and we shall go into some of them here. Once you can identify what is causing you to think negatively, you can change it.

It's like anything really. Understanding a problem helps you to fix it.

The problem in this case is having a mostly negative mindset. This goes for those who are well aware of their negative ways of thinking, but it also goes for people who might think they are pretty positive but are in fact driven by a negative outlook. I'll explain how this can be.


You may think you are positive in your mindset, but still you will catch yourself complaining about things. You may not be doing that verbally or writing letters of complaint to companies, consumer groups or service providers, but in your thoughts you could be having an inner conversation with yourself on a regular basis that is criticizing something.

Maybe you're stuck in traffic and you are silently cursing the slow moving vehicles in front of you, or thinking to yourself what is that idiot doing sitting there while the light is green! Or maybe you are walking along the road and see the trash hasn't been collected and the bins are overflowing and you start a conversation in your head with the guy that runs that department and you're telling him that he's not doing his job properly.

We all do a lot of internal complaining and it may just seem a natural thing to do, but is it really necessary? Do you not think that running these inner conversations or arguments might not be a terrible waste of your mental energy?

They are and they are more than just "trains of thought" because you are putting a lot of emotion behind them. That emotion is often anger, frustration, irritation or annoyance because something that you are looking at or experiencing is not right to your way of thinking.

Whether you agree or not, that mode of thinking is negative. Yes it is!

Negative Thoughts Are Destructive

The problem with negative thoughts that are driven by negative emotions (anger, frustration, irritation, guilt etc) is that they take an enormous amount of mental energy to produce. That energy filters down to your subconscious where it gets converted into a negative physical situation that will go on in your body.

The subconscious cannot reason, think, apply logic or even understand a sense of humour. It is basic in its job which is to keep your physical body running the way it is instinctively programmed to do. Unfortunately (or fortunately, as you will see further along) you can influence the subconscious by your thoughts, whether they are negative or positive.

Negative thoughts will cause a negative physical reaction via your subconscious down to the basic operation of your body. It can result in a reduction in the creation of new, healthy cells and increase the destruction of old cells. It can inhibit the immune system and cause the digestive system to become less efficient.

It can create muscle fatigue and joint damage through an increase in body acidity and even increase body toxicity. In extreme cases it can induce a reduction in organ function and create abnormal cell growth, promoting disease and even cancer.

Of course, all that takes some effort to take in let alone believe. Most people don't believe it, period. Most people don't believe that the way they are thinking has any influence on the state of their physical health. Most people have their heads buried in the sand, or simply ignore any of this.

Enlightened people with open minds and the capacity to explore the fascinating wonders that are the interaction between the mind and the physical body will take more notice of this. I did some time ago and now I fully believe that the workings of the mind have everything to do with the state of the physical body and its health and life expectancy.

Positive Thoughts are Constructive

Where negative thoughts can affect the health in a negative way, positive thoughts can do the opposite and promote good health as well as increase life expectancy. That may sound like an incredible statement, but not when you listen to what quantum physicists and modern medical experts are now telling us.

That is that the body is made up of a mass of energy and that energy vibrates on a certain frequency. Our thoughts also vibrate on a certain frequency that changes according to our ruling mental state and what we are thinking about combined with our emotional state.

Like vibrations attract each other as surely as the waves being emitted by a radio station are picked up by a receiving device that, depending on the frequency it is set to receive will play a certain radio station's broadcast. Our thoughts also broadcast a frequency that is picked up by our physical bodies.

If we are thinking positive, happy, healthy thoughts, then our bodies will react to that frequency and move into a positive, happy, healthy mode of being. New healthy cells will be produced in greater numbers to replace older, damaged cells. Body acidity and toxicity will be reduced. The immune system will be boosted. We will be more resistant to disease and illness and feel better in ourselves.

How to Think More Positively

The first step to enjoying a more positive, healthy outlook in life is to switch your predominant thinking patterns from the negative to the positive. But how do you do that?

It is easier than many people think, but it does involve a change in behaviour and a change in outlook. It will mean making some changes that you may not want to make as well as being more disciplined in your thinking (see: disciplinedthinking.com).

It will mean altering habits that you may have had all your life. But if you want change, then you are going to have to do this.

Stop listening, watching and reading the news!

The news is probably the single most destructive global thought directive of all time. The media bombards us with what it believes we want to hear about. Have you ever noticed that nearly all news stories, especially the headlines, are bad news to some degree?

Why do think that is?

It's because the media believes that more people will want to read about natural disasters, famines, murders, terrorist attacks, drug trafficking, human defilement or events along those lines. Really!

The media is absolutely right about that.

Nothing sells more newspapers than a terrible disaster of some kind emblazoned all across the front page. People tune into news programs on the TV to see up-to-the-minute live footage of terrible events across the world.

But what's happening in the minds of the people who are watching those TV news programs, or reading those terrible headlines?

They are being force-fed all these terrible events and they are reacting by getting mad at them. In their minds!

They are getting really, really angry that this or that could be allowed to happen. They are having a destructive conversation in their heads with someone about what should be done to stop this happening.

They are getting angry, frustrated and are venting that negative emotion right back at themselves. No one else is getting it. Because no one else can hear it!

It's going on inside the heads of the people watching or reading those news stories! It goes on all day and they are still thinking about it when they go to bed.

How personally destructive is that?

Do you want to self destruct just because you have been gripped by the habit of watching or reading the news for all your life? You don't have to. You can change any habit. You just have to want to.

If you stop allowing the news to invade your personal space, you will find that you will start making huge improvements in your life. Your health will improve for starters.

Because you are no longer carrying on so many destructive inner conversations about things that you can do nothing about. Because unless you intend to run for president, you cannot change what goes on inside your own country, let alone have any say in what happens in other countries around the world.

So why torture yourself about it? Why shorten your life and make yourself miserable when there is nothing you can do to change it?

No one is taking any notice of you screaming and ranting inside your head. Only you are. And only you are suffering physically for allowing yourself to get so uptight about events that are not your problem to concern yourself about or try and fix, because you can't fix them.

If the news is the biggest generator of internal negative conversations in people's head, then televised sports has to be the second. Except sports has a different set of rules.

Sometimes, when your team loses, you feel down, dejected and negative. But they don't always lose, unless you're a supporter of the lowest team in the league. They sometimes win and then you feel great, on top of the world, elated and jubilant!

But then you get all kinds of media interference. They like to criticize the actions of certain players on the field. They may have a dig at the manager of the team or start bringing up the team's financial shortcomings.

This is all intended to get you back into that inner conversation where you are giving that commentator a piece of your mind, except they aren't taking it because its only going on inside your head! Again, you're off on a spiral of anger, frustration and negative emotional arguing in your thoughts.

So, as hard as it may be to switch off your favourite team, be it football, rugby, hockey or whatever, you are going to have to do it. You are going to have to distance yourself from the sport and get to a place where you can still enjoy the thrill of watching a game without getting angry at anything.

Leading by Example

You wouldn't expect to take any notice of someone who told you not to do something while they went ahead and did it themselves. Like you wouldn't take weight loss advice from an overweight chef, or take any notice of a drunk telling you not to drink!

So do I watch the news on TV or read newspapers? Not any more.

I used to, just like everyone else. I used to get angry about certain things and I used to have those inner conversations with myself trying to set the world to rights. All I got for my trouble was a toxic body and a negative disposition, depression, arthritis and a chip on my shoulder at the world in general.

But I don't any more. I stopped reading newspapers, because I realised they were toxic. I rarely watch any TV because I realised there's an even bigger ulterior motive going on there.

Doesn't it strike you as interesting that all commercial channels have so many commercial breaks inside the shows you are watching and they come at the most inconvenient times? Does it make you wonder why the commercials always seem to come on just as you are getting to a really interesting part of the show? Or how aggressive those commercials have become?

Think about this:

Television now only exists to sell you things via the commercials.

It wasn't always like that, although there has always been a strong advertising presence on television ever since I can remember. But in the last 20 or so years, there has been a shift in the emphasis on commercials. Do you notice that the volume of commercials is always louder than that of the shows they interrupt? Why do you suppose that is?

And why, with such advanced technology at our fingertips, is there no popularly available device that can skip over the TV ads during a show automatically for us? Why indeed!

You might argue that people should watch the commercials, because they are paying for the TV shows to be made and aired for your convenience. Who would you be arguing with? Yourself, in your mind, that's who! And probably getting angry about it too!

I could go one step further and tell you that TV advertising is brainwashing you to buy a load of stuff that you don't want or need. And the TV shows they inhabit are also brainwashing you and your children to believe certain political ideals and to embrace all sorts of social change that you may not initially agree with but will soon find that you do agree with it.

But you would probably draw the line there and say I was a crackpot!

But am I?

Doesn't it strike you as odd that you have lost some of your freedom of speech? Or didn't you notice that you had lost it. Or that you ever had it in the first place. But you don't believe you have been brainwashed by the TV, of course! How could you be and not know it? Um...!

Okay, that about wraps this article up on the need for positive thinking, because it is getting way too long and you will lose interest, if you haven't done already or didn’t do when I had the audacity to say something bad about your beloved television. Or football team.

It's up to you whether you want to engage your brain and really think this through. You might begin to see a light that you never saw before and some of this might actually start to make sense. If it starts making too much sense, you might start actually believing it and want to know how you can change for the better. Well, I could write some more articles on this fascinating subject.

That is if you wanted to read them. Even if it's to try and disagree with it. It's a free world!

This article was originally posted on: Tue, 11 Oct 2011



There are 5 comments on this post:

On 10 Oct 2011, Dave said:

It's what I love about Spain. I rarely see anyone annoyed on the roads. Everyone has a more chilled approach and it means less stress.

Why get mad just because someone is going a little slow. It is NOT important. Be chilled and think happy thoughts.

Great article Terry, did you see the news today? There was this big explosion and...

On 10 Oct 2011, Terry said:

You haven't had the dubious pleasure of the Malaga traffic then! It's all out war on those roads I tell ya!!

Yet a few miles along the coast where I live it's pleasant, slow and no one is in much of a hurry to get anywhere. Which is as it should be!

Ta for the comment dude!

On 19 Nov 2011, Bruno said:

Hey Terry! Nice write up!

I especially like the part about how we should stop watching news on the TV.

Just like you, a while ago I thought I always had to stay up to date with the latest news and what was going on here and in some obscure part of the world that I can't even spell it right "so ... there was a fire in Alapa ... Alapayev ... Alapayevsk!?"

Then after I read 4HWW and read some comments here and there, I decided that I would try for a while a kind of selective ignorance; I would try for a couple of months and I could always go back if I didn't like it.

So I cancelled some magazine subscriptions and stopped watching the news (I still do every now and then, but before was like "I MUST WATCH") and started to only pay attention to what was important to me at the moment or something that would entertain me.

Guess what happened? Much better. And honestly, we don't miss that much. And if we do, it's always a nice conversation starter with people who DO watch the news, so they can update you on the latest news.

Well, I guess I'm already rambling on :D.

To conclude, have you seen this movie called "The Greatest Movie Ever Sold"!? From IMDB:

"A documentary about branding, advertising and product placement that is financed and made possible by brands, advertising and product placement."

Good movie and talks about how we are bombarded with ads these days.

That's it for the moment. Have a good weekend mate and thanks again for this motivational piece ;)


On 19 Nov 2011, Terry said:

Thanks Bruno,

I think what did it for me was having no TV for 2 years when I lived on the mountain here in Spain. My whole outlook on life improved. I couldn't buy English newspapers as I had no money, so I suddenly had a lot more time on my hands. I used it constructively, like learning how to build and then building a solar oven to cook my food up there. No electricity and I couldn't afford to buy a refill gas "butano" so the sun came to my rescue in those very broke days! I also built a low-tech solar water heater so I could have a hot shower!

It's actually amazing what a person can accomplish when the negative news is out of their life and they look at things with a positive mind.

They can even figure out how to make money online enough for a full time wage and then go and do it LOL!

On 20 Nov 2011, Bruno said:

Hahaha true words my friend.

There is a saying I saw somewhere which goes along the lines of:

"... unfamiliar with the fact that he could not do it, he just went there and did it."

It does ring a bell doesn't it? ;)
